Proven Success!

Customized Business To Business Prospecting Service For Technical Companies

Synergy Stockpile’s customized business to business prospecting service has provided many new customers to many technical companies. One company, (reference attached) we added 40 million dollars a year in annual revenue. If you think that more customers are out there and if you would like to connect with them please view our business model and references.

We guarantee that you will speak directly to new interested potential customers on an ongoing basis and at exactly the right time. We make companies grow. We use ongoing training to become part of your organization and as part of your organization; we professionally solicit for new business throughout any target market by communicating with the most appropriate decision maker in any company. We send out your materials provided to us by your own team of marketing specialists and consistently follow up for the results. You set the qualification parameters so no one's time is wasted. Never before will real customers be so easily achieved.

Try an innovative solution that puts interested potential customers in the hands of your sales force. Let your sales team complete the selling process without putting excessive pressure on your sales resources. By implementing Synergy Stockpile's customized business to business prospecting service your sales team can focus on strategy and customer development while you realize consistent results previously thought impossible to achieve.