Prospecting Works!

Provide your salespeople with qualified, interested new customers.

Synergy Stockpile's cold calling service creates a win-win situation for organizations and their salespeople.

With your company's professionally designed marketing materials and our cold calling service we will acquire a variety of "ready to go" interested customers for your sales people.

We book qualified phone appointments for your sales people. Give us an email address so we become part of your team.

You are not too technical to outsource prospecting.

Prospecting is not technical because the main task is to qualify the decision makers contact information, company size, needs, timing, attitude, potential objections, and to ultimately book a phone appointment with your sales team. We learn any pertinent technical information about your products/services in order to prospect effectively.

Many talented salespeople will eventually quit if you have them do cold call prospecting forever. Most salespeople are good at retaining, maintaining and expanding existing business, but not prospecting. Asking your own salespeople to perform long-term prospecting is expensive, and inefficient. Our prospecting service is a long-term plan that categorizes your entire market from best to worst... making it ready for your salespeople to do what they do best.

With our service, we prospect your entire market, letting you know how many prospects exist, how many have received and viewed your marketing information, providing a statistical breakdown of their reasons, and much more.

We source, track, report and graph all relevant information. It's better.

Our approach is based on the idea that the purpose of the call is not to make a sale, but to build trust and discover whether or not there is a good match between the potential client and your product or services offered.

Your image matters.

Our callers are stay-at-home professionals who have their own home offices and businesses. Callers have the maturity, capability and experience to ensure that you maintain a professional image. All callers participate in the planning process and role play the phone script to your satisfaction before any first time calls are placed. We are major team players. You provide your caller with an email address under your company's name so that they can assume a role as part of your sales team.

Monthly Scalable Rates
80 contact attempts a day $5000 per month.
60 contact attempts a day $3750 per month.
40 contact attempts a day $2500 per month.
30 contact attempts a day $1875 per month.
20 contact attempts a day $1250 per month.
15 contact attempts a day $938 per month.
10 contact attempts a day $625 per month.

Payment via postdated cheques provided one month in advance. Half of the payment is made on the 15th of the month, and the other half on the 30th. You do not pay any long distance fees. You are free to cancel at anytime.

How long does it take to receive results?
We recommend you budget for 6 months.

Sorry, we don't work on commission and this is why...
All businesses are not equal. We cannot control the profitability of your business model. What we can control is the prospecting aspect of your sales process. Our mission is to find leads by professionally qualifying opportunities so your sales team can focus on closing the sale.

Note the marketing benefit:

Your market determines the direction of your business so you need the most accurate and current feedback, which we can provide. For example, 300 out of 1000 prospects may indicate that you need an additional component in order for them to consider using your products/services, or 50 out of 350 decision makers may tell us that they are buying from China. Keep current with your market. Use us to determine the needs of your customer base or to source lower-priced materials. New opportunities will open up with the market feedback that we can provide.

Number of calls per day we do.

40 calls per day. Callers' mornings are free for outbound calls and their afternoons are free for inbound calls. Incentive plans keep our callers motivated to work as one of your own sales team members. Everyone wants results.

Can't justify the expense?

Your new customers are out there. It's not reasonable to assume everyone won't want to do business with your company. Most of your regional competitors do not use effective prospecting as an ongoing means of acquiring new customers. It is to your advantage to be there first. Consider the difference that long-term prospecting would have on your business. How big is your market? Can you expand into new markets throughout the US or additional Canadian markets? The North American economic climate is changing so obtaining new customers has never before been so critical.